146,000 Slices of toast

That’s what we could make in a year if we plugged our solar panels into a toaster. How close did you get?

You know?

The amount of solar energy that hits the earth in one hour is enough to power the whole planet for a year.

We’re building new
buildings out of old

By recycling all the waste on our construction site, we can make new cement that’s used to create whole new buildings. It’s like the recycling you do at home, but much, much bigger!

You know?

61% of ALL our waste in the UK comes from building sites

Plants are

Leaves soak up the harmful things in the air that we don’t like to breathe and produce lovely fresh oxygen. How clever is that!

You know?

A typical tree absorbs 25kg of CO2 every year

Say hello to the
Black Redstart.

It’s become an endangered species in London and it’s just one of the types of birds and insects we’re creating a home for in our roof garden.

You know?

A honey bee visits around 1500 flowers every day on its mission to collect pollen